Work and the house setup has been pretty grueling, but I’ve had some time to play around with some kits.
Current Project – Sazabi MG Ver Ka
The last couple nights I’ve been pre-assembling and sanding the torso, head, arms, plates. The more I build, the more I am in love with this kit. Sazabi itself isn’t that exciting a prospect to me as the kit itself. All of the shifting plates and care put into it is mind blowing. It’s hard to not just slap the plates on to see it finished, but I know that my methods of deconstruction are … destructive.
More to come on this kit as the weekend progresses. I need to paint my office desk and then I can get my paint setup assembled and situated. It doesn’t help that I have one of those metal desks from the 50s that weighs a metric shit ton.
Future Project – 00 Raiser PG
I found more pieces! Hurray! I might be able to keep working on this kit now.