Paint prep and drying and rain. Even though I didn’t do a lot last week, here’s your update!
Current Project – Sazabi MG Ver Ka
Primer. Primer. Primer. I should probably get the endoskeleton painted, but getting motivated to situate my airbrush is … daunting. My painting setup isn’t set in stone and I have a giant desk that needs sanding taking up most of the room in my shop, currently. Excuses, yes, but it’s making things go less smoothly than desired.
After the gym tonight, though, I should have enough time.
Future Project – Sinanju Stein MG Ver Ka
Funny story, I was waiting for my basement to air out from priming the Sazabi endoskeleton and I decided to finish up the prepaint prep for my Sinanju Stein. AND IT LOOKS FANTASTIC. After tossing around ideas for color schemes, because the gold was ridiculous, I decided I am going to explore a Titans themed concept. I saw a Wing suit with the similar scheme and it looked badass. Even though I hate Wing!
Anyway, more coming.