Last night was reserved for gold touchup paint and it sure as heck was fun.
I noticed that the yellow light of the flood light from the outside of my basement was making it difficult to see the areas not covered by the gold paint. I went in and did a bunch of detail work and fixing parts that may have been damaged when a couple pieces fell off their sticks overnight. After letting them try, I put a couple of them together to give myself a better idea of how it was all fitting together. I’m pretty excited.
One thing I noticed through all of this is that a lot of the lights that were built into the spray booth were yellow and made it difficult to see the spots where the gold wasn’t covering. I also hadn’t unified the power source and was using dangerous wiring. So, I added some IKEA LED lights which allowed to change the colors (HA) and then bolted a power surge to the side of the shelf. Once I got the booth outside, it gave off so much light that I didn’t need to use the floods at all. It was a Christmas Miracle. In February.
So this weekend is going to be PACKED with stuff going on, so I am going to try and get as much done tonight as possible. I made a promise to myself to get my office finished this weekend before I start to setup a photo studio space. (Read: my girlfriend told me to get one project done before moving onto another. She’s a good influence.) So, because this is more for me than for you, listed below is the agenda. It’s lofty and ambitious, but eating is overrated.
- Building Office Credenza
- Moving Shelves out of closet to basement (More storage, awww yessss)
- Clear Coat Endoskeleton – Gold Pieces
- Prime Armor Plates
- Hand paint details on Endo? Maybe? Depends on the drying time of the clear coat
Have a great weekend, folks!